Understanding Medicaid Eligibility In New York
Medicaid planning is probably the single most important piece of estate planning older clients can do to protect their assets for the benefit of generations to come. Current 2019 nursing homes charge an average of $18,000.00 per month to provide housing and health services to their patients. If you have not adequately protected your assets through comprehensive estate planning, these expenses will likely be paid out of a person’s savings until there is no more money left. Only at this point will Medicaid start to pick up the tab unless careful planning is done with the assistance of an experienced Medicaid planning attorney. In order to qualify for Medicaid under New York State Law, a single person must have less than $15,450 in assets and any gifts made by the applicant will be subject to a 5-year lookback period. An experienced Medicaid lawyer can help protect assets by transferring them to family and beneficiaries through certain trusts, notes and annuities. After the assets are protected through planning, our Medicaid attorneys will help to qualify you or your loved ones for Medicaid coverage immediately upon need.
Our attorneys work with our own in-house social worker to prepare and submit Medicaid applications for those in need. We will help qualify you or your loved one for Community Medicaid, which provides in home care with home health agencies and other qualified medical providers as needed or Chronic Care Medicaid, which covers nursing homes and assisted living facilities. We will help you or a loved one gather, prepare and submit the Medicaid application best suited for your individual situations. Our Elder Law Attorneys and Medicaid specialists will see you or your loved ones in the office, hospital or home no matter where you are located in Suffolk County, Nassau County or New York City.
Contact our Long Island (631-265-7200) as soon as possible to schedule an appointment with one of our Elder Law lawyers. Early planning is critical to the most effective Elder law planning. We can also be reached online . The initial consultation is free.